House Flipping Blog
My experience with flipping a house

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Floor Plans

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Present Floor Plan

Yes, that left garage wall is a slanted wall. It's following the property line and that part of the garage wall is made out of cinder block and is right up against a retaining wall on that side of the property. The retaining wall is a reinforced concrete wall and is slowly crumbling away, and that's why I really need to get that side of the house away from it before half our garage ends up in the alley.

Future Floor Plan (maybe)

The above is just a best guess for now. It will really depend on finances when I'm ready to start working on the house again. Most of the work I could do myself, but some of it will require licensed contractors to meet building codes.

We did own that truck in the above header image. We had it for several years, and there's a better picture of it below which we took and used for selling it. It was a diesel and only got 7 mpg on a good day, so I decided to sell it when the cost of diesel fuel became greater than the cost of gasoline. In the end we were only using the box on it for additional storage space and it served no other purpose. Now all of the stuff that was still in the box has completely filled up the rest of the garage and second bedroom. Sorry folks, but for now we have no spare room for guests. Smile


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Floor Plans
Major Upset


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