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Frequently Asked Questions

So far, there hasn't been any questions. As soon as they start arriving I'll be putting them in here. I have opened this page for commenting, and any questions asked will be added to this FAQ before I remove the comments.

I've added several I suspect are going to be asked before long. Smile


Why don't my comments show up?
How do I create a second membership?
How do I change my avatar?
What does the "Follow Me" link at the top of blog pages do?
What does the "Friend Finder" link at the top of my blog do?
What does the "Send Friend Request" do?
How does the "Friend List" in my cpanel work?
How long will my membership last?
How do I embed MIDI files?


Leaving Comments

Two simple rules must be met before you can leave a comment.

1) You must be a registered user of

2) You must be logged in.

The site is a free service supported by ads, and as long as you enter your control panel or leave a comment at least once a year, your cookie will always refresh itself to keep you logged in.

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All About Multiple Memberships

You're probably running into one of two problems.

1) You can't use the same e-mail address to register a second name. Sorry, but the address you use to register and are using to login with is written in stone as far as the software is concerned. The address you're permitted to change is a secondary address which is only used for avatars and all outgoing e-mail.

2) You tried to register a name which has already been taken by someone else. Your only option is to select another name to use.

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All About Avatars

The avatar you're seeing is being provided by and is based on your e-mail address. You need to visit and register with them. Once you've registered with, then you can upload any image you want and assign it to any email address you are using here.

Over here the avatar will be based on your changeable response address in the page you see when you login and not the address you used to sign up. This will allow you to change your avatar by changing your address, but be advised it changes your avatar everywhere on the site. You can't leave a comment in one area with one avatar and change it to leave a comment somewhere else. Every comment you've ever made here will show the new avatar.

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The "Follow Me" Link

Clicking on that link will tell that user's blog to keep you informed of any new blog posts (pages) they create. You'll find a tool in your control panel called "People I'm Following" which will display the users and link you to those pages so you can read them.

You don't need permission to follow anyone unless they have their privacy settings turned on, then you'll need to use the "Send Friend Request" link first.

After you've clicked on the "Follow Me" link you should get the "Stop Following Me" link. You can use that to stop the software from linking you to their newest pages whenever you grow tired of any given blogger.

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The "Friend Finder"

The friend finder will let you search the website for family or friends. You can enter their email address if you have it, or any part of their full name.

If they used the name or e-mail address you entered, then you'll be provided with a link to their blog. If they have their privacy settings turned on, then you'll have to send a friend request to get permission from them to enter.

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Send Friend Request?

When you enter a private blog you'll get a "Send Friend Request" link to click on where you would expect to see the page content and comments. You'll still have to wait for that blog owner to approve your request before you can see anything, but if you're a friend or member of the family that shouldn't take long.

If you see the "Send Friend Request" link the next time you return, then that means your request has been rejected. Don't feel too bad, because that person is probably only accepting close family and friends and doesn't recognize your name. If they are family or a close friend, then you'll just have to e-mail them and ask them why you weren't accepted. Perhaps you weren't using a name they recognized as you.

If someone sends you a friend request, then you'll find the tool to accept or reject them at the top of your control panel in larger letters than the rest. You can't miss it.

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Friend List

In theory, the "Friend List" will only be displayed if you have your blog set up for private viewing and have accepted friends to view it.

If you do have friends in the list, then you can click to block any of them and their names will move back into the friend request status, but that will block you from viewing their blogs at the same time if their blogs are set up for private viewing.

You could accept them again when you've calmed down after some argument you had with them. The software moving the individual back into the friend request status is basically giving you a chance to think it over carefully before making a hasty move.

If you delete names you've blocked from the friend request screen, then to reinstate those friendships you'll have to start over by sending them friend requests again.

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How Long Do Memberships Last

Once you create a membership at AAA Blogs, you have 7 days to respond to the e-mail by logging in. If you don't respond to that first e-mail within 7 days your blog is completely removed from the website.

If you claim your membership by logging in, then your membership will last indefinitely if you don't delete it from within your AAA Blogs Tools.

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How do I embed MIDI files?

Most browsers no longer support embedding MIDI music. Your best bet is to use a website like Zamzar to convert your MIDI file to MP3 format, then upload the MP3 file here.

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